
Sentinel Crag (Ghost)

One Cool Mouse *** 5.10c 75m. Gear draws, protection to 2”
(p1) B Spear, J Josephson, July 1996 ground up (p2,p3) B Spear, A Sheldon, M Tremblay July 2004 rappel bolted and cleaned.

Strange Fire * 5.10a 75m. Gear draws, protection to 3”
(p1) B Spear, R-C Bastien, July 2004 ground up (p2,p3) B Spear, J Demontigny July 2004 Ground up.

Thanksgiving ** 5.10c 72m. Gear draws, long slings
(p1) B Spear, M Tremblay, August 2004 ground up (p2,p3) B Spear, M Miller Thanksgiving 2004 Ground up.

Miscellaneous deleted topos

Topos of crags that appeared in earlier editions of Sport Climbs in the Canadian Rockies and have since been deleted. For one reason or another, these crags were seldom visited.

Metaphysical Wall
Bathtub Brook
The Alcove
Lorette Slab
Kilowatt Crag

Note: The approach to Bathtub Brook crosses private land.

White Buddha

Brown Trout - This bolted route is a continuation of the boulder problem
Trout Fishing in America. From the finishing pocket on that problem,
continue out left for 4 bolts to an anchor. ~12b from the sitdown start.

Hammer Royale - This is another bolted route which starts as a boulder
problem. Begin at the far left end of The Fishing Hole where it is possible
to step onto the rock and start with a no hands rest. Begin traversing into
the start of If Brad Had A Hammer and all the way across The Fishing Hole
area generally using the finishing holds of most of the problems there

Blitzcrag, eh

“Blitzcrag, eh”
4 pitch 5.10a/b all bolted.
8 quickdraws, anchors, 60m rope
Cam Henderson and Brian Spear June 1st 2007
The route climbs Barrier Lake Buttress and is entirely bolt protected.
From the Barrier Dam parking lot bike (20 minutes) or hike to the
campsite just south of the Jewel pass junction. Hike easily up through
the trees.

Barrier Bluffs Update

5 new pitches added to the Yellow Wall at Barrier Bluffs in K-Country.
All are 5.11 climbs which add some good alternatives to the Yellow Wall, significantly expanding what available
at this level on the crag.

Beautiful Century & Coire Dubh Area

"Beautiful Century"
230m 7 Pitch 5.10a All Bolted
Bow Corridor, Nanny Goat
First ascent: Brian Spear, Jeff Storck Spring 2006 
8 quick draws, 4 long slings, 2 anchor slings. 60m rope.
This is a multi-pitch route on the right side of Nanny Goat Buttress just left of the winter route "Coire
Dubh" and left of the routes "Less Art, More Pop" and "The Bell Route" - as described in the new "Sport


Ballista 5.10C 210m
An excellent route that crosses several bands of rock on Banff's Tunnel Mtn.
